Bind a phone number to your account
— so your money will be safe.
Bind a phone number to your account
— so your money will be safe.
When making an order, go through the site or plug-in, place an order and pay the purchase before you close the browser. We recommend placing an order in the same tab of the website of the store that opened after the transition from our site / plug-in.
Before activating the cashback, be sure to empty the basket. If the order was already in the basket at the time of the transfer, then the purchase may not be credited. If the goods need to be stored and bought later, then you can add it to the wish list.
When ordering, use one device (phone, tablet or computer). For example, if you placed an order through a browser on a computer, and paid for from a mobile phone, or vice versa, this could cause the cashback not to be calculated.
Make all purchases in a clean browser without any plugins and extensions. Any plug-in installed in your browser can intercept cookies and assign your cashback to yourself.
It is recommended to check the browser for the following extensions (plugins):
Also, we strongly recommend that you disable / remove browser extensions of other cashback services to avoid intercepting cookies.