Backit – Internet service located on the Internet at , which allows you to return some of the money spent when making purchases in stores. It is also a set of objects of intellectual property, namely software, database, design (graphic design) of Backit, as well as information posted by the Administration.
Rules.TelegramBotBackit – Rules.ARobotizedAccountLocatedAt Rules.ForInteractingWithUsersInTheTelegramMessenger
Authorization – user identification process by entering a login (e-mail) and password to access the Personal Account
A User's Ability To ReceiveAffiliate link - a hyperlink leading to Backit, which contains a unique User ID.
Statistics – a record from the Backit database, which displays the User’s orders with the status “In Processing” and / or “Confirmed” in the Personal Account.
Balance - a record from the Backit database, displaying the Cashback available for withdrawal to the User.
Blocking a Personal Account - imposing a ban on the implementation of the User’s actions in Backit.
Cashback – a return of a part of the money spent when making purchases in stores.
Stores – an Backit section ( ) Rules.OrTheTelegramBotBackit ( ), Rules.WhichCanBeAccessedByUsingTheCommand
Mobile application — software installed or downloaded by the User to portable (mobile) devices using various software platforms, designed to access Backit.
Fraudulent actions - are actions committed for mercenary purposes, by deception and (or) abuse of trust, and aimed at unlawful appropriation of property (money) belonged to Backit, Stores and (or) other Users in the favor of other persons.
Personal account - a User’s personal section in Backit, access to which is carried out using a register entry.
Affiliate program - a User’s ability to receive Cashback for making purchases by a Referral using Backit.
Privacy Policy - organizational and technical measures taken by the Administration to protect the personal data of the User from unauthorized access, destruction, alteration, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as from other illegal actions of third parties with it.
User - a natural person with legal capacity and who has made the adoption of this Agreement.
Site visitor - a person who is on Backit, but not authorized.
Referral - a person attracted to Backit by using the User’s Affiliate link .
Agreement - a present User Agreement, defining the procedure and condition for the use of Backit.
Register Entry - a bunch of login (e-mail) and password, or an account of social services Vkontakte, Google, Facebook, used to access the Personal Account of the User.
A cookie - is a small piece of text transmitted to the browser from the site.
Any other terms that are used in the Agreement, but not included in this section, are interpreted in their literal sense, which follows from the content of the Agreement, or from the Internet practice.